“The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.” Robert Baden-Powell
Although the rover page has been empty for some time, the 68th Rover Crew has been hard at work. Our motto is “Service” which I am proud to say describes each and every member of this crew. Every member is a section leader or an assistant leader to one of our younger section. Each year the rovers also organize and host a skills camp and competition for the younger sections. This camp is talked about all year by the youth that attend. This year was the 5th Annual Rover Hosted Skill Camp and Competition, which was a huge success. There was knot tying, knife safety, archery, fire building and a very bumpy hay ride.
Our Rover Crew is an important part of our Group. We help with Leadership at all levels, mentor senior Scouts on their Chief Scout Award, mentor other youth in their Badge and Award work, and run camps not just for ourselves, but for all our Sections. We believe in our Motto of Service, and we plan to continue to fulfill our Motto through out the upcoming season.